Monday, April 9, 2012

Coconut Cupcakes... kinda

The NEX, where I work, has a huge fundraiser every year where the employees in different departments get together and sell their little hearts out whichever way they can. A lot of people have bake sales, or make hot food. Some people this year even were selling car washes. Each department gets pretty creative and there's always good food. This fundraiser usually lasts for a few weeks in April so all the departments can have a chance. This year, since we have a new manager who is extremely competitive, we are having 2 different days where we are selling fundraiser items. First, we are having a bake sale, and my cupcakes are getting featured (since lately I seem so be getting a lot of 'publicity,' as I like to call it), but everyone in the salon is baking something to chip in. Secondly, we are taking orders for Leonard's malasadas, which are obviously a local addiction. So my manger thought it would be a great idea that I may mini bite-sized versions of my cupcakes a few days in advance that way we can entice people to visit and buy from our bake sale. I'm telling you, this lady is serious business in competition, and a total genius, might I add! Just while we were upstairs in the admin offices handing out samples, we also received 22 pre-orders for malasadas by the dozen AND I got to give out my personal information to about 5 people, on top of the many people who are interested in coming down to buy from the bake sale. Anyways, here is a picture of my samples:

I made mini cookies'n'cream and coconut cupcakes. I have never brought either flavor to work so I decided that it would be great to get new flavors out there considering about half of my orders come from coworkers. The coconut cupcakes are my personal favorite. If you are around the Pearl Harbor NEX on Wednesday the 11th from 9-12, please stop buy and purchase some baked goods! I'm assuming from the reaction today that the cupcakes are going to sell pretty fast :)!

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